
Common classes and utilties used by card games.


Interface Summary
BonusListener This is implemented by the GUI to display the results of bonuses received by a player or team.
DealerListener this class defines the events that a dealer can perform

Class Summary
AbstractEngine This class provides a skeletal implementation of the card game engine which most card games should subclass.
BonusEvent this represents a bonus event which occurs whenever a team or player recives a bonus.
Card this class represents an arbitrary playing card
CardGameEvent An event which is used by the cardgame interface
CardUtils General purpose card utilities
DealerEvent This event represents a dealing of a card
DefaultDeck This class implements a standard 54 card deck (contains two jokers)
DefaultPlayer The default implementation of a player
DefaultScore The default implementation of the score interface
DefaultTeam The default implementation of the team interface
Face this enum represents all the possible faces of a card
Joker A special type of card
Suit this class represents a Card Suit

Package Description

Common classes and utilties used by card games. Logo